Small Town

It takes a very special person to be able to live in a Small Town. If you don’t know what I am talking about just think about this: Third Street is on the edge of town! You walk to and from work because you want the exercise and remember, Third Street is on the edge of town. EVERYONE who is driving stops and offers you a ride, “it’s too hot this afternoon, let me take you home” was told to me more than once.

Small Town

I grew up in a metropolitan city. My husband was already working in a small town. This is how I happened to find myself in this small town. The county seat had less than 2500 people when I moved here. Now our population is under 1300. We do not have any traffic lights, many intersections are not controlled by any signage at all! We test our tornado siren daily at noon.

Small towns are a special breed. There are good things and bad things about any town you might live in. In a small town the bad thing is everyone knows everything about your business. The good thing about living in a small town is everyone knows everything about your business!

People jump in to help in Small Towns

We have weather related events, such as the whole country. We had a blizzard a few years ago. The highways were closed for several days due to blowing snow.

  • The town opened up their school building for travelers to get in out of the cold.
  • Those travelers so appreciated that. What they did not expect was the local ladies in town cooking hot meals for them! What were these ladies to do? They knew their town did not have a cafe that could handle that crowd. All were safe, warm and well fed while they stayed there. And grace was said before the travelers were served.
  • While the ladies were busy cooking the men brought in their personal equipment to clear the snow before the state had time to get there.

Last summer there was a tornado that completely destroyed a home out in the country.

  • The family barely had time to get into their basement before the storm blew over their heads.
  • The storm was barely passed and neighbors, from miles away, were at their door, or where the door once stood, and helped clear out the rubble.
  • A benefit concert was given to help raise funds to help them rebuild.
  • All while there was work to be done at the neighbors properties as well.

Driving in a Small Town

Everyone knows everybody. I think I might have mentioned that earlier. Since everyone knows everyone we rely heavily on our guardian angels while we are driving! We know the widow lady who will drive 25 MPH on the highway and to keep an eye out for her. Also, we also wonder how the neighbor lady can find her driveway when she cannot see over her steering wheel. She has gone around the block two times before turning in!

Many days I would drive thru town headed to where ever I was going and everyone would wave at me. Most people knew either myself or my family and I could never drive in town without have some stick their arm out of the window and wave at me. The older I got the more I appreciated this trend.

Entertainment in a Small Town

Small Town

We make our own entertainment in a Small Town. The majority centers around our children and their school activities. We have fund raisers to help with class trips. There are sports and academic contests that we support. Block parties happen for no reason at all. We do have to make a weekend of shopping for school clothes because we have to travel to the “big city” to shop. Entertainment surrounds the family and friends.

Also many times my Girl Scout friends and I would meet. Sometimes we would just hang out and other times we would work on a Scout activity to earn that extra badge. We loved doing that and we were very competitive doing it. I often went to Summer Camp and really enjoyed all of those activities. Some of my friends even earned a week of Summer Camp by selling the most Girl Scout Cookies (Thin Mints are my favorite) every year!

In conclusion not everyone can or wants to live in a Small Town but if you happen to like the slower pace of life then a Small Town might be for you. And with so many business opportunities that allow a person to work remotely then where you live is entirely up to you.

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