Friendly Games for Family Night

It’s a cold, stormy night outside but inside you and your family are settling down for some Friendly Games for Family Night! We get out the board games or card games and the fun begins. You might want to turn on some favorite music if only for background noise. This can be the best quality time with your family that you may ever have. Family memories are created by the simple event!!

Family Night Board Games

When I was a kid the most popular board game we had was Monopoly. The whole family would gather around the card table and play for Hours! My brother always ended up with all of the Railroads as well as Boardwalk. He loved it when I would land on his properties. I would almost look forward to getting the “Go To Jail” card just so I could catch my breath. As you might imagine, I was never on the winning side of this game. One of my favorite things to do was to buy up all of the hotels…everyone hated me for it.

Another fun board game we played was “Sorry”. This game was where us kids would try to gang up on Mom and Dad and make them go back to the start. Mom ad Dad were good sports about it but always raised a fuss when we sent them back! They let us win many times but occasionally they take the top prize for that and never let us forget it.

Friendly Games for Family Night

We would raid Mother’s pantry and get potatoes to play Mr. Potato Head. How Mother kept potatoes on hand is a mystery but we had fun with all of those different pieces. This was never a “competition” but just something fun to do and keep from getting on everyone’s nerves! Such as taking a piece of yarn and using it for hair, tacks made the perfect eyes (you had to push them in all of the way). In addition we had a blast seeing all of the crazy faces that my family would create. Great memories!

Don’t forget the jig saw puzzles. We would set up a card table with lots of paper plates to separate the different colors of pieces of those 500 – 1000 piece puzzles. It was hard to walk past that card table without stopping and trying to put in just one more piece. Sure was nice when it was completed! We never glued them together, when we were done we put all the pieces back into the box so we could put it together again. And it was just as hard the second time as it was the first! Every family has had those Marathon days of putting jig saw puzzles together on a rainy day.

Different games the older we got

As we got older we drifted into card games. My parents would play pinochle with 2 to 4 couples every month. They would alternate homes where they played and each hostess would serve a family favorite dessert. Mother tried her best to teach me but I couldn’t remember what all of the card combinations were. It is telling when I would have to bring out my “cheat sheet” before starting the game to remind me. Some of my friends were just like me. They needed a cheat sheet and still would never win.

Also, one of my friends told me that she learned to play some different games that she leaned from her neighbor that was from Puerto Rico. She said for about 8 months, every Saturday night was game night. There were Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans and the Americans. This was one of her ways to learn some Spanish and Latin board games as well as some card games. Good food, great wine and so many laughs. Another story she told me was that they started playing games at 6pm one Saturday night. They played several different games and when finished it was 2:00 AM!!!!

Family Night with Family, Friends and Neighbors

Now that our children have grown and left the home it is fun to get together with friends and family. We get out the cards to play gin rummy, hearts or Texas Hold Em (if we feel lucky). We even have found some old domino games to play. A neighbor friend told me about Mexican Dominos and how fun that can be. I can’t wait to get that one and have several friends over to laugh the night away. This is where we like to share our Fine Wines with cheese and crackers!

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